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Département de biologie
You are here: Home / Biology Master / Course List / Compulsory courses / English


Course supervisor: Véronique Rancurel

3 ECTS credits, 40hrs


Students in the BioSciences master must have a sufficient level of scientific English upon arrival to read specialized scientific publications and follow seminars given in English. Proficiency at the B2-level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is required for admission.

The 40 hours of English in the first year of the master are divided into two parts: A twenty hour module reserved for biologists  and another twenty hour module, chosen from a list of over a dozen options open to every department. The options proposed may be oriented towards science (English for Science) or culture, or towards improving specific language abilities such as conversational or communication skills.

Please note that French classes are proposed for students who do not speak French.

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