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You are here: Home / Biology Master / Course List / Compulsory courses / Bibliographic analysis

Bibliographic analysis

Head: Francois Roudier

6 ECTS credits, 60h of practicals


This course aims at training the students to bibliographic analysis and scientific communication by handling an individual, autonomous and “real life” project, while allowing them to start their M2 laboratory internship with a solid bibliographic background in the field on which they are going to work.

Students will perform a bibliographic analysis and write (in English) a review of the literature, on a subject related to their future lab training work and proposed by the lab supervisor. This long-term work will be supported by practical sessions during which the work will be supervised (in particular on the formal aspects and the use of communications tools) after evaluation of intermediate states of the work.

The use of the bibliographic report as a draft to publish a review in a peer review journal will be encouraged but is not a goal of this course.

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