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Pratique des collections museologiques

Head: Nicolas Goudemand

3 ECTS credits


Museum collectionsare, for many disciplines, research subjects whose importance is rarely addressed in conventional university curriculum. The purpose of this module is to show multiple methodologies and approaches available today (biology, chemistry, physics ..) on museum collections.

It provides a contemporary vision to enable students to be aware of the diversity of collections and sentitize them of their use in research. The appearance of the collections as mediation issues and heritage issues are be addressed.

These sessions take place in the form of TP based on the results of experiments or directly on museological objects.

In parallel, students, through practical sessions, will also work in a project to valorize collections. The project should consider current challenges about collection valorization to the general audience and will present a novelty in terms of exhibition.

The diversity of topics covered at the ENS de Lyon will call and mobilize various actors of sciences, humanities and social sciences.

Visits and meetings with conservation stakeholders will also be provided at Confluence Museum and Collections of ENS de Lyon or paleontological collections of Lyon 1.

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