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Outils personnels

Département de biologie

M2 UE Advanced Genomics

Responsables : François Roudier (PU, ENS Lyon), Marie Sémon (PU, ENS Lyon)

6 ECTS, about 36 hours





This course will introduce students to 



Content may vary according to years




Every day, 2 speakers will present two aspects of the same subject. Lectures will start by a broad introduction, and raise up to the most recent research developments. A particular attention will be given to the synergy between the presentations so that to enrich the discussion afterwards. A round table will take place at the end of the day, offering the students an opportunity to interact freely with these specialists of the field.



Note: Some of the objectives will be worked on more deeply depending on the exact list of topics covered this year.

  • Introduction to current topics in functional and evolutionary genomics

  • Learning how to grasp a new theme rapidely, and make links with other themes.

  • Learn how to write a synthesis based on different presentation.

  • Be critical on modelling and their results (statistics, possible bias and confunding effects etc)

  • Ask questions in English, interact in a positive manner with speakers and fellow students. Work in groups and in a constructive manner, so that even shy student may express themselves.


None. Companion course to the unit "practicals in NGS" but not compulsory



Contrôle continu 40%; Contrôle terminal 60%

Oral student presentations and participation to the round table discussions as well as a final written exam.

Mots-clés associés :