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You are here: Home / Biology Master / Course List / Elective practical courses / Practicals in imaging : from samples to analysis with electronic microscopy

Practicals in imaging : from samples to analysis with electronic microscopy

Head: Dominique Baas, Pradeep Das

3 ECTS credits


The principal objective of this course is to provide hands-on methodological and practical training in the use of optical and electronic microscopy techniques for the observation of various animal and plant tissues.

In the first part of the practicals course, students will choose a research project that relies on advanced imaging approaches to answer a specific scientific question. They will design the requisite experiments and prepare their biological samples prior to observing them either by transmission and/or scanning electron microscopy, or by confocal fluorescence microscopy, with a special focus on the latest developments in the field, such as super-resolution optical microscopy.
In the second part of the course, the students will learn how to process and analyze their images using various types of software, with a special emphasis on data quantification. Finally, the students will be expected to interpret their results and discuss their relevance with respect to the observed phenotypes and the biological question.

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