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You are here: Home / Biology Master / Course List / International Research Schools / UE Advanced immunology and diseases

UE Advanced immunology and diseases

Organization : Nathalie Davoust-Nataf (PU, ENS de Lyon), Yann Leverrier (CR, INSERM)

6 ECTS credits, 36h de cours, 6h de TD




The course will provide a deep insight into the immune system function in health and diseases. The immune system is a complex, diverse, dynamic and highly organized multicellular and biochemical system that protect us against infections and cancers. Deregulation of the immune system induces autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

The course will provide a high-quality, comprehensive coverage of many facets of basic and translational immunology research. Sessions content will ensure an opening on basic, clinical and industrial research by bringing together academic research scientists, clinicians and private research scientists.

Students will learn the latest developments in Immunology, gaining a broad understanding of how the immune system develops, functions and dysfunctions and can be manipulated to maintain human health. They will have the opportunity to discuss with the scientists that made breakthroughs in immunology.

Topics will cover

  • cancer immuno-therapies and tumour immunology
  • immune responses during infection
  • development of the immune system
  • evolution of the immune system
  • immune pathologies (autoimmunity, immuno-deficiencies, hypersensitivity…)
  • neuro-immunology
  • vaccines 


Learning Prerequisites

Fundamentals of immunology


Assessment methods

Oral student presentation and participation to the round table discussions as well as sa final written exam

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