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'Parcours' presentation

The Biology Master offers sub-programs:

  • Biosciences: the standard curriculum that gives a broad training in Life sciences.
  • Biosciences and Health (Biosciences - Santé): a curriculum with a broad choice of elective courses in order to reinforce biological knowledge for students with background in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharamacy, or engineering.
  • Biosciences and modelling of complex systems (Biosciences et modélisation des systèmes complexes): this curriculum initiates biologists into modelling by enabling them to take courses in common with mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists.
  • FEADéP: preparation to the 'agrégation SV-STU' of the ENS Lyon (dedicated page: /biologie/M2-pro-agregation-SV-STU).
  • BPO-SVTU-A: preparation to the 'agrégation SV-STU' of the UCB Lyon 1.