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You are here: Home / Biology Master / Internships offers

Internship proposals

Students in our Master’s programme are required to carry out a minimum of two (with a maximum of four) research training internships, including:

• An 18-week internship between early Feb and late June in their 1st year

• A 20-week internship between early Jan and early June in their 2nd year

• Two 16-24-week internships during an optional ‘Long Research Project’ year



Submitting A PROPOSAL

If you would like to submit an internship proposal for our students, please prepare your proposal (following the guidelines below, where possible) and email it to us at <>. We publish all proposals on a page accessible only to our students.

For proposals, please:
1. feel free to format it however you wish to
2. provide the following information to help our students easily compare internship proposals:
• lab, Institute & address
• name(s) of PI or team leader, as well as of the direct internship supervisor (if different)
• Contact email(s) & team website
• Names of previous ENS students you may have hosted 
• Project title
• Project description (best if both subject and techniques are described)
3. name your file to reflect the key information and whether it is intended for a specific level (e.g. 1st or 2nd year students). We prefer the naming format: “Research area – Last Name(s) of PI(s) – Department(s)/Institute City”.
e.g. “Muscle EvoDevo - Hercules & Mars - ENS-Lyon.pdf” or 
       “Epigenetics - Waddington – Marbles & Valleys Inst. Edinburgh - M1.pdf”
Students: If you have an ENS de Lyon account, you can see all submitted proposals here.