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M2 UE Development and stem cells in Plants and Animals

Head: Pradeep Das (RDP) and Stéphane Vincent (LBMC)

6 crédits ECTS, 36h of classes






Stem cell research and Developmental Biology are at the crossroads of many fields: Cell Biology, organogenesis, molecular genetics. These disciplines have thrived thanks to the development of new technologies such as live imaging, in vivo lineage analysis and the generation of organoids. Altogether, these approaches aim at understanding the dynamics of life in multicellular organisms.

In this class, we will develop the main concepts underlying stem cell research and Developmental Biology and examine them in the light of the most recent findings. Thus, we will welcome prominent scientists that will explain their latest research through classes, seminars and round tables.



  • Stem cell regulation
  • Organogenesis
  • Gene regulatory networks
  • Mechanobiology
  • Evo-devo


Course organization

Importantly, speakers will introduce their topic for one hour before to give their scientific seminar. This implies that there are no prerequisites to take this class other than a basic Biology background. This class will not involve any mathematics or computation.

We will welcome two speakers per day, and will end the sessions with a round table. Students will form binomes and will also present a chalk-talk on a recent publication.


Assessment methods

Contrôle continu: 40%. Questions during the classes and chalk-talk

Contrôle terminal: 60%. Final exam

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