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UE Host and microbes

Responsables : Chloé Journo (MCU ENS) et François Vandenesh (PU-PH UCBL)

6 crédits ECTS, 36h de cours





This course aims to provide students with an interdisciplinary understanding of the field of microbe / host interactions. Recent conceptual advances as well as innovative methodological approaches will be discussed and illustrated on specific examples from the bacteriology and virology disciplines. The program is designed to satisfy the scientific curiosity of students with molecular and cellular biology backgrounds, as well as students with evolution and ecology backgrounds. The program should allow rich interactions among students and between students and speakers.  



Content may vary according to years:

Host / microbes interactions at the molecular and cellular levels

  • Mechanisms of microbial entry into host cells
  • Mechanisms of intracellular trafficking of microbes
  • Infections in the central nervous system 
  • Microbes & immunity

Host / microbiota interactions

Microbial evolution; modelling and predictions in microbiology 

  • Microbial evolution and emergence
  • Microbe / host coevolution
  • Paleomicrobiology
  • Systems biology of antimicrobial resistance

Host / microbes interactions and ecology

  • Impact of global changes in host / microbes interactions



Each day, the course will host 2 or 3 speakers for approx. 1-hour talks, followed by discussions with the students. The speakers will be introduced by students.

Students will also prepare students’ talks during which they will present a recent article from the field. A wide range of topics covered by the articles will be offered, so that each student can choose a topic of interest. 



At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Follow with ease high-level scientific conferences from the field of host / microbes interactions.
  • Connect data from distinct conferences and students’ talks to build a comprehensive synthesis of the topic. 
  • Write a discussion on transversal questions, including methodological aspects.
  • Orally present recent data from the field, and place these data in a more general context.
  • Interact constructively with speakers and fellow students.



This course is designed in the continuity of the L3 “Microbes et Infections” and M1 “Microbiologie Moléculaire et Structurale” courses. However, students with other backgrounds, and in particular evolution and ecology backgrounds, are encouraged to join. 



Students’ talk and participation to the discussions (40%)

Written exam (2h) (60%)


Calendrier et programme ici

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